Further development, holistic evaluation and monitoring of timber-natural fiber composite hybrid construction systems

HNFBauSys2 – Monitoring timber-natural fiber composite-systems

Monitoring of the structural integrity of coreless filament wound fiber composite structures made of flax using fiber-optical sensors

Based on the feasibility study „Hybrid timber-natural fiber composite construction system” (HNFVBauSys) the existing hybrid construction method is being further developed and its application scenarios in Baden-Württemberg are being investigated. The components of this innovative building system consist of timber elements that are combined with coreless filament wound flax fiber composite structures. The use of the fiber composite material reduces the amount of timber required and the weight of the structure itself, while the design optimization enables the efficient use of raw materials. The hybrid construction method will be trialed in the form of a pavilion at the Landesgartenschau 2024 in Wangen (Allgäu).

Hybrid-Flax-Pavillon at Landesgartenschau Wangen (Allgäu), 2024
Hybrid-Flax-Pavillon at Landesgartenschau Wangen (Allgäu), 2024

Fiber-optical sensors integrated into the pavilion enable the structural integrity of individual components to be monitored using locally highly resolved strain information. Analyzing the measurement data allows conclusions to be drawn about the force flows and enables long-term Structural Health Monitoring, so that life cycle forecasts can already be made during the use phase. The knowledge gained and interdependencies will be implemented in existing methods, tools and workflows to enable the consideration of feedback from the measurement data of the fiber-optical sensors and the evaluation of design approaches in early project phases. In addition, a life cycle assessment of the construction project will be carried out and compared with conventional construction methods.

By establishing a database of the fiber plant sector in Baden-Württemberg and expanding the bioeconomy sector model, a possible expansion of hybrid construction will be evaluated holistically. Interdisciplinary scenarios will be implemented in the model to determine the effects of increased demand for fiber plants from the construction sector on agricultural markets, food security and land use in Baden-Württemberg. The results provide important insights for the construction industry and make a significant contribution to sustainability and efficiency in the construction sector.

Hybrid-Flax-Pavillon at Landesgartenschau in Wangen (Allgäu), 2024

Project duration
November 2023 – October 2025

Project team
ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart
Rebeca Duque Estrada, Monika Göbel, Harrison Hildebrandt, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Zechmeister, Prof. Achim Menges

ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design, University of Stuttgart
Tzu-Ying Chen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers

ITFT Institute for Textile and Fiber Technologies, University of Stuttgart
Daniel Christopher Bozó, Dr.-Ing. Pascal Mindermann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz T. Gresser

IABP Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics, University of Stuttgart
Julia Weißert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philip Leistner

Department of Economics, Chair of Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim
Alina Rossa, Prof. Dr. Franziska Schünemann

The „HNFVBauSys2“ research project is funded by the Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg (MLR Baden-Württemberg) in the funding programme „Nachhaltige Bioökonomie als Innovationsmotor für den Ländlichen Raum“ under the funding code BWFE320081.

Project Management: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

Further information
Homepage of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC: Associated Project 41  


This image shows Daniel Christopher Bozó M.Eng.

Daniel Christopher Bozó M.Eng.


Research Associate

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